OMSB Training ByLaws

General Principles


The Resident must adhere to these bylaws as well as the training rules and regulations issued by the OMSB, the Scientific Committee of the specialty (Education Committee of the Program), and the training center in which the Resident receives his/her training. The Resident is strictly prohibited from working in the private sector during his/her training program


OMSB shall decide the necessary training period for each training program. If the Resident does not complete his/her training within the period approved, he/she may be granted an additional period of no longer than two years


OMSB may send the Resident abroad for a period of no longer than six years. This period may be extended to one additional year if necessary. OMSB may also send the Resident abroad to attend a conference, a seminar, and specialty examinations, for a period of no longer than two weeks. In all cases, the Resident must submit a document that proves his/her attending these activities.

Admission to the Residency Training Program

Article (14) of Academic Bylaws:

 Requirements for acceptance in the training programs of the specialty:

 1. The Resident must be a holder of a Bachelors Degree in Medicine & Surgery or equivalent from a recognized university.

 2. The Resident must have completed a year of internship.

 3. Resident must be medically fit for the training.

 4. The Resident must provide three letters of recommendation from three consultants with whom he/she has worked confirming his/her ability and capability of training.

 5. The Resident must submit a letter of approval from his/her sponsor confirming their permission to release him/her to join the specialty training program on a full time basis.

 6. The Resident must pass the interview.

After the approval of OMSB, the Scientific Committees (Education Committee of the Program) may add other conditions, oral or written exams, or tests for admission. The Residents are selected as per OMSB rules & regulations and available slots.

Rules & regulations for residency training program

Registration with the OMSB

The scientific committee (Education Committee) has to outline the additional specialty specific requirements besides the general OMSB requirements, if any.


The names of the Residents accepted for admission in one of the training programs, together with their “Release Qarars”, shall be sent to OMSB. Registration must be completed no later than one month prior to the beginning of the training year.


All Residents who are enrolled in one of the OMSB Medical Specialty Training Program and who wish to continue their training must register with the OMSB at the beginning of each training year. A Resident is not permitted to register in more than one training program of the OMSB at a time.


The Resident or his/her sponsor shall undertake to pay the annual training fees prescribed by the OMSB.

Evaluation & Completion of Residency Training


The Resident must be evaluated by his/her consultant monthly using the approved evaluation form and the reports about Residents shall be sent to the Program Director every month. These reports should then be submitted to the Specific Scientific Committees (Education Committee of the Programs) which will send them to the Training Affairs Department at OMSB to be kept in the Residents’ file.


The Resident must complete at least 3/4 of the assigned training period for it to be considered valid.


The Resident must spend equal training periods when rotating among the accredited training centers.


The Program Director must prepare a report showing the progress of the Resident every six months and at the end of the academic year. The Program Director must use the approved evaluation form for this purpose provided that the report has to be signed by the Resident which is then presented to the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) for approval, and submission to the OMSB and the Resident's Sponsor.


The Scientific Committees (Education Committee of the Programs) shall conduct annual examinations for the evaluation of the Residents. The results of these examinations shall be part of the Residents’ evaluation process for promotion purposes.


A Resident's promotion from one level to the next one (e.g. from the first year to the second year) is based on the average of the periodical assessment reports which represents 50%, and the End of Year Examination for training programs which represents 50%. However, the Resident must get a general average of no less than 60% for each part


Completion of training of the Resident is based on the Scientific Committee’s (Education Committee of the Program's) recommendation for completion of training approved by the Executive Board. The recommendation should be based on the Resident’s periodical evaluation reports, the result of his/her End of Year Examination, and the completion of the log book in the health specialties which requires so. .

Transfer to another Specialty


The Resident is allowed to transfer from one specialty to another if the following conditions are fulfilled:

1. The approval of the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) of the specialty in which the Resident is registered.

2. The approval of the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) of the specialty to which the Resident wishes to transfer and the fulfillment of admission conditions for the specialty.

3. The approval of the sponsor.

4. The approval of the Executive Board.

5. Transfer applications shall be submitted at least four months prior to the end of the training year. All transfers shall take place at the beginning of the training year only. Thus, the Resident is required to complete his/ her current training year before he/she can transfer to another specialty at the beginning of the training year.

The Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program), to which the Resident has transferred, must recommend counting the previous training period the Resident has taken, if possible, and must also specify the level at which the Resident shall start. The recommendation should be sent to the Board for approval.

OMSB Certificates & Examinations


OMSB examinations will be as follows:

 A. End-Of-Year Examination

1. This examination is conducted at the end of each academic year.

2. The written examination consists of at least one hundred (100) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The Scientific Committees (Education Committee of the Program) may add other examination such as OSCE, orals, short cases, etc.

3. The passing score is 50% for R1 and R2 and 60% for R3 and above. However, if the percentage of the residents passing the examination is less than 70%, the passing score can be adjusted lower to achieve 70% passing rate. 

4. Re-sit exams will be given to a resident three (3) months after failing the End-of-Year Exam.

5. A resident who fails both, End-of-Year and Re-sit Exam will have to repeat the year at the same residency training level.

 B. OMSB PART I Examination

1. The examination is a qualifying examination. A resident must pass OMSB Part-I Examination before attempting the Final Examination to obtain the Specialty Certificate.

2. A Resident is allowed three (3) attempts to pass the OMSB Part I Exam. This exam can be attempted at R2; however, the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) may selectively allow a resident who is competent to do OMSB Part I Exam at the end of R1.

3. No R3 Residents will be allowed to progress to R4 level without passing the OMSB Part I Exam.

4. OMSB Registration will be cancelled if a resident does not pass the OMSB Part I in three (3) attempts.

5. OMSB will cover the exam fees for the first two (2) attempts only. Examination cost for the third attempt will have to be covered by the resident.

6. The passing score for this examination is 70%. However, if the percentage of the residents passing the examination is less than 70%, the passing score can be adjusted lower to achieve 70% passing rate and that the score can be lowered up to 65% (whichever comes first). Under no circumstances, the score can be reduced below 65%.

 C. The Final Examination for the Specialty Certificate

1. The Final Examination will be conducted after a successful completion of the training program of the specialty for the period approved, and passing all End of Training Year Examinations as well as Part I Examination for the Specialty Certificate.

2. The Final Exam is conducted in the final year of the training period. The Resident who fails the exam may repeat it within a year after the approval of the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program). The Resident is not allowed to repeat Part I Exam for more than three times. The Residents will be terminated from the Residency training program if he/she does not succeed in the third attempt. However, in exceptional cases, the Resident may be granted a fourth attempt by OMSB.

3. The Final Examination may consist of written and oral parts, OSCE, and short clinical cases.

4. The passing score is 70%. However, if the percentage of the Residents passing the examination is less than 70%, the passing score can be lowered by one mark aiming at achieving 70% passing rate or reaching a percentage of 65%, whichever comes first. Under no circumstances, the score can be lowered below 65%.

Article (27):

The Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) may change the format and the passing score of the examinations after the approval of the Executive Board.


The OMSB shall issue the Oman Medical Board Specialty Certificate following the completion of the training program and passing the final examination.

* Please refer to APPENDIX 1 for List of Examinations conducted at OMSB

* Please refer to APPENDIX 2 for OMSB Examination Application Form

Interruption & Withdrawal from the Residency Training Program


The Resident may interrupt his/her training for a period of no longer than one block (28 days) on the occasion of death of spouse, parents, or children, or illness of the Resident, spouse, parents or children if needed after the approval of the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) and the Executive President. In all cases the Resident must submit supporting documents for any case of interruption.


If the Resident interrupts his/her training with a valid reason for a period of no longer than one block (28 days), the training period prior to the interruption will be counted provided that the Resident must compensate for the period of interruption with an equivalent period during his/her residency training. Interruption is not allowed for more than twice throughout the whole training period.


The Resident may withdraw from the residency training program if he/she has a valid reason provided that the consent of the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program), OMSB, and sponsor have been obtained. If the Resident who has withdrawn wishes to rejoin at OMSB, he/she should be evaluated by the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) to determine the possibility of accepting him/her into OMSB’s residency training program and the appropriate training level.

Cancelling Registration

Article (38):

The Resident’s registration is cancelled in the following circumstances:

1. If the Resident does not succeed in the overall annual evaluation (the periodical evaluation together with the End of Training Year Examination) for two consecutive years in the training program.

2. If the Resident fails to pass after exhausting the chances for entering Part I Exam or the Final Examination according to the rules and regulations of examinations.

3. If the Resident exceeds two years in addition to the minimum training period for any training program.

4. If the Resident interrupts the training without a valid excuse accepted by the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) and for a period of 15 consecutive days or 30 separate days during the entire period of training.

5. If the Resident withdraws during the training program.

6. If the Resident does not abide by the rules and regulations of the training program, or the OMSB bylaws after being warned (see Article 40-3) and does not improve during the training period.

7. If the Resident has been convicted of an offence violating the public honor or the professional ethics unless he/she is proved innocent.

Article (39):

The registration of a Resident is cancelled upon a decision from the Executive Board based on the recommendation of the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program). The Resident; however, has the right to appeal against a decision of termination to the Executive President within 30 days from his/her receiving a written notification of the decision. The OMSB will study his/her appeal and send him/her a reply within 15 days from the date of the Resident submitting the appeal. If the Resident does not receive a reply, then his/her appeal is rejected.



The Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program) will look into the violations related to the training such as absence, neglect and academic attainment, or related to morals, behavior, ethics or professional conduct. After the violation is proved, the Committee is authorized to recommend the following:

1. A written reprimand.

2. A warning letter.

3. The final warning letter in addition to placing the Resident under probation for a period to be specified by the Scientific Committee (Education Committee of the Program).

4. Termination of the Resident and closure of the file.

The recommendations should be submitted with a detailed report on the case of the violation to the Executive Board to take the appropriate decision. The Resident’s sponsor will be informed about the decision.

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 1.1 Each training program will have written learning objectives, and the Residents will be provided with these objectives upon entering the program.

 1.2 The evaluation process is based on these training objectives.

 1.3 The Program Director ensures that Residents are familiar with the rules and regulations governing evaluation and promotion.

 1.4 The evaluations are confidential documents. Access should be restricted to the OMSB Scientific Committees and the Resident.


2.1 At the completion of each rotation, the Resident should be given feedback.

 2.2 The evaluation at the end of each rotation is made by the Supervisor/Consultant responsible for the Resident during that rotation. If more than one member is involved in the supervision of a Resident during a rotation, the information will be summarized by one person, and the global evaluation represents a consensus opinion.

 2.3 Ongoing verbal feedback is important for all residents, and is of particular importance to residents experiencing difficulty. Supervisors will make every effort to provide such feedback.

 2.4 The Resident bears responsibility for ensuring that the evaluations are completed in a timely fashion, and that he/she has received feedback.

 2.5 Successful completion of a rotation is defined as obtaining a SATISFACTORY global assessment.

 2.6 An UNSATISFACTORY or BORDERLINE global assessment on any evaluation is not considered a passing grade.

 2.7 A Resident with an UNSATISFACTORY or BORDERLINE global evaluation for any rotation must be notified immediately.

 2.8 An INCOMPLETE rotation should be completed, the duration of which is determined by the Scientific Committee.

 2.9 After 6 months of training, a PROGRESS REPORT is prepared by the Scientific Committee for each Resident and will be submitted to the OMSB. This evaluation represents a summary of the resident's performance over the preceding 6-month period.

 2.10 After 12 months of training (or at the end of the academic year) a summative evaluation is prepared by the Scientific Committee for each Resident. This END OF ACADEMIC YEAR report represents a summary of the Resident's progress and overall performance during the academic year. The resident must sign the 6-month evaluation as well as the end of the year evaluation.


 3.1 Specific Promotion Regulations:

 3.1.a Promotion of a Resident to the next academic level occurs if all rotation periods during the year have been completed with SATISFACTORY or higher global evaluations.

 3.1.b During the academic year, an UNSATISFACTORY in one rotation period, with SATISFACTORY completion of all others, requires the Resident to REPEAT a rotation of the same duration.

 3.1.c During the academic year, a BORDERLINE evaluation in one rotation period with SATISFACTORY completion of all others may require a REPEAT rotation. This is left to the discretion of the Scientific Committee.

 3.1.d A REPEAT rotation should be undertaken before promotion to the subsequent academic year.

 3.1.e When it is recognized that a Resident is in academic difficulty, the Scientific Committee will identify the areas of weakness, and will attempt to support and assist the Resident in addressing those weaknesses.

 3.1.f REPEAT rotations, whenever possible, could be undertaken in a different hospital/setting.

 3.1.g An UNSATISFACTORY or BORDERLINE evaluation in a REPEAT rotation period will require that a Resident be placed on PROBATION.

 3.1.h During the academic year, an UNSATISFACTORY and/or BORDERLINE evaluation in two rotation periods, will require the Resident to be placed on PROBATION as per probation guidelines.

 3.2 Probation

 3.2.a A resident will be placed on PROBATION for any of the following reasons:

 i) UNSATISFACTORY or BORDERLINE in a REPEAT rotation period

 ii) UNSATISFACTORY and/or BORDERLINE in two rotation periods in one academic year.

 iii) Upon recommendation by the Scientific Committee.

 3.2.b The duration of the Probationary Period for academic or non academic reasons will be 6 months.

 3.2.c The terms of the Probationary Period must be outlined in writing to the Resident, with copies to the OMSB.

 3.2.d During the Probationary Period, efforts will be made to assist the Resident in addressing areas of weakness.

 3.2.e The Probationary Period will include clinical experiences that are appropriate for the resident's level of training. A written evaluation will be provided at the end of each period to the OMSB.

 3.2.f UNSATISFACTORY or BORDERLINE evaluations during the Probationary Period will require the Scientific Committee to refer the case to the Executive Board.

 3.2.g A Resident may be placed on PROBATION on only one occasion during postgraduate training. If, during a subsequent academic year, a Resident meets the criteria for PROBATION for the second time, the Scientific Committee will refer the case to the Executive Board.

 3.2.h Successful completion of a Probationary Period requires SATISFACTORY global evaluations on all rotations.

 3.2.i The decision to place a resident on PROBATION should be made by the Scientific Committee.

 3.2.j The decision placing the Resident on PROBATION should be conveyed to the Resident by the Chairman/Program Director of the Scientific Committee in person and in writing within a week of the Scientific Committee meeting held for the purpose.


 4.1 A resident who does not agree with a rotation evaluation, he/she should discuss that evaluation with the Supervisor/Consultant who wrote it. The supervisor will review the evaluation, speaking with others if indicated, and then has two choices:

 4.1.a The Supervisor/Consultant may revise the evaluation and the "revised" evaluation becomes the official one, or

 4.1.b The Supervisor/Consultant may choose not to alter the evaluation believing it is fair and accurate.

 4.2 If a resident wishes a formal reconsideration of a rotation evaluation, this request must be submitted in writing to the Program Director within 28 days and the Scientific Committee will meet with the concerned Resident to consider the case.

 4.2.a The Specialty Scientific Committee has several options:

 i) the evaluation can remain unchanged;

 ii) an Unsatisfactory or Borderline Global Evaluation can be changed to Satisfactory;

iii) A Borderline Global Evaluation can be changed to Meets Expectations or Unsatisfactory.

 4.2.b Minutes of the meeting should be kept and the decision should be conveyed as soon as possible to the Resident in person, and in writing. The minutes and all written communication should be sent to the OMSB office.


The OMSB is the national body responsible for supervising and accrediting the various Medical Specialty Training Programs. This is to assist health professionals in acquiring the knowledge, skills and expertise necessary for their certification as specialists in all branches of Medicine.
Various scientific committees of medical specialties have emerged under the auspices of OMSB. These Scientific Committees will enhance and direct the development of Medical Specialty Training Programs. The Approved Training Programs will ensure in-depth knowledge, high standard skills and attitudes essential for physicians and surgeons to perform adequately as accomplished competent specialists. To develop OMSB accredited training programs scientific committees should conform to the following standards.


Each scientific committee must set a mission statement specific for its specialty in addition to the OMSB mission statement. The mission of the OMAN MEDICAL SPECIALTY BOARD is to maintain and improve the quality of medical care throughout the country by developing and setting the professional and educational standards for the training and certification of specialists.


Towards achieving its mission, the Scientific Committee of Medical Specialty shall, as the coordinating board, be organized to fulfill the following responsibilities:

 a. To provide detailed information on the scope, objectives and structure of the Individual Specialty Program, including description and specification of:

 The educational standards of the teaching / training program.

 The activities and responsibilities of the residents at each level.

 The nature and volume of clinical material available to the program.

 The senior teaching staff involved in the program.

 The physical facilities and other resources available for the program.

 The proposed number of residents in each year of the program.

 b. To recommend to the OMSB policies, standards and criteria relating to accreditation of the Training Program and to determine the category of accreditation to be granted to each program.

 c. To recommend to the OMSB policies, standards and criteria relating to training matters pertaining to its specialty.

 d. To establish and maintain Standards for the administration of examinations for certification.

 e. To set standards for regular and periodic evaluation of their residents. 

 f. To set standards for regular and periodic evaluation of the teaching faculty.


The Scientific Committee should provide a detailed written curriculum of Specialty Training Program according to the following:

 a. Introduction 

 b. General Objectives 

 c. Specific Objectives 

 d. Admission Requirements 

 e. Structure of the Training Program, Outline of Rotations – both Core and Elective – for duration of the Training Program 

 f. Didactic Lecture series for all years

 g. Contents of the Program and detailed syllabus of the Training Program. 

 h. Determining Graded Responsibilities for every training year.

 i. Graded introduction of surgical techniques and procedures, if applicable. 

 j. Duration of the Training Program 

 k. Certification and Required Examinations 

 l. The participating training centers and institutions must be clearly defined and they must be accredited by OMSB.

 m. The members of the teaching faculty.

 n. Number of Resident posts available annually in the Program according to availability of Teaching Faculty, resources and facilities.

 o. Publications and Research Requirements.


The scientific committee has to outline the additional specialty specific requirements besides the general OMSB requirements, if any.


 a. All the resident evaluation criteria of the OMSB, governing evaluation process must be observed.

 b. The promotion of the Resident from one level to another should be determined by:

 Passing the End-of-Year Examination which can be either written and/or clinical.

 Passing overall performance evaluation of each rotation.


 a. The final examination will be decided by the Scientific Committee of the Specialty.

 b. The scientific committee will assist the OMSB in setting up certifying examination.

 c. Before applying for the final certifying examination, the candidate must have successfully completed the specified training program of the Specialty. 

 d. In all the examinations, the by-laws of the OMSB governing examination process will be observed. 

 e. To be certified, the candidate must get a passing score in the final examination. 

 f. Upon completion of the required training and passing the final examination, the certificate of the Specialty will be conferred upon the candidate.

 g. The title of the certificate of all the Specialties will be “OMAN MEDICAL SPECIALTY BOARD IN …………… (The individual specialty)”.


 a. There must be sufficient number of Training Faculty in all training centers and they must have the qualifications, which enable them to supervise and teach all Residents of the Program.

 b. The ratio of the Training Faculty to the Residents must be justifiably adequate for the specialty. Typically the ratio of 1 Consultant to 3 Residents is regarded as adequate according to international standards.

 c. The Training Faculty should dedicate enough time for the training and teaching process. 

 d. The Training Faculty must allow the Residents “protected time“ to attend Lectures and Conferences conducted by the Program - at least 2 hours/week.

 e. The Training Faculty must dedicate a stated time for academic training and participate in the time designated for academic training. 

 f. The Training Faculty must make sure that the Residents’ education and training have priority over the clinical service. 

 g. The Training Faculty must provide a suitable environment for Residents’ attendance at Conferences and they must encourage research.

 h. The training Faculty must encourage the Residents to participate in clinical discussions and clinical rounds. 

 i. Members of the Training Faculty must be holders of Specialty Certificate of that Specialty. 

 j. Members of the Training Faculty must be experienced in the field of academic and clinical teaching. 


For a Training Program to participate in OMSB, it has to be accredited by OMSB. For accreditation the following requirements must be fulfilled:

 a. Meet the requirements for accreditation as detailed in the OMSB general accreditation by-laws. 

 b. Meet the specific requirements for the Specialty.


 a. Termination criteria of OMSB bylaws must be followed as the minimum termination requirements. 

 b. Any additional criteria for the specialty have to be clearly outlined.


The cost of essential and mandatory courses, examination fees, etc. for the specialty should be outlined.


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